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Super-detailed book summaries, focused towards your growth

📖 Read 100+ professional book summaries

🧠 Detailed, yet short. Enough detail for you to learn the best ideas from the book. Short enough to keep things fun and light!

💡 Easy to understand. Clear and simple writing. Lots of bullet points. No long boring paragraphs. Even visuals, illustrations and comics!

🤔 Context and critical analysis. Connections to ideas from related books. Unique commentary and counter-arguments that you won’t find anywhere else.

🎧 Listen to enthustiastic audio summaries

🗣️ Engaging and lively. Our passionate writers record the audios themselves. (Other services use a robot voice.)

🚗 Learn on-the-go. Learn while you’re driving, walking, washing dishes, or just relaxing.

⏩ Go 1.5x speed or faster. Do you usually listen to audiobooks or podcasts at a faster speed. We’ve got that feature, too.

📚 Even more helpful features

🗒️ Skim 1-page CHEATSHEETS! Get a quick overview of a book’s key takeaways. Refresh your memory of books you’ve read before

🎯 Practical Action Plans. Transform knowledge into results with a ready list of action steps at the end of the book summary.

💖 Personalized recommendations. Discover more new books customized to your reading interests and habits, right on our website!

Typical Book

300+ pages
10-15 hours
Read only

Book Summary

Best lessons
45 minutes
Read & listen

You already spend money and time on books.
We’ll help you maximize that investment.

Let’s do the math together:

If you buy

2 books
a month
Then you spend

$40 dollars
20 hours
a month
Which equals

$480 dollars
240 hours
a year!

The good news is, our service costs a small fraction of that! Plus, you can cancel anytime with 1-click. So you risk almost nothing by giving our book summaries a try. Go ahead, sign up today and let’s start growing together!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after my 30-day free trial?

After your free trial ends, your chosen plan (monthly or yearly) will automatically begin, and your card will be charged.

How can I cancel my free trial or subscription?

You can cancel your trial or subscription at any time in your account settings with one easy click. You can also cancel by contacting us. If you cancel before the trial ends, you won’t be charged.

What is the difference between the Monthly and Yearly plans?

The Yearly plan offers the best value, as you can save 50% compared to the monthly rate. Both plans offer the same features and unlimited access to our content.

What are the payment methods you accept?

We accept all major credit cards and payments via Stripe. Stripe is a globally recognized and trusted payment platform, handling billions in transactions each year. It is a payment processor of Amazon, Google, Salesforce, Airbnb, Spotify, Uber, Lyft, and countless others.

Is there a limit to how many book summaries I can read per month?

Absolutely not! Once you subscribe, you can read as many book summaries as you like. There’s no limit. Happy reading!

Will the book summaries be updated regularly? Can I suggest books?

Yes, we add new book summaries to our collection every month. As a premium member, you can also suggest books for us to summarize. We can’t guarantee we’ll cover every book, but we’ll certainly consider all suggestions.

Do you have an app I can download?

As of now, we don’t have a standalone app. However, our website has been optimized for all devices, providing you a seamless experience whether you’re using a computer, tablet, or mobile device. This approach ensures our summaries are accessible to you anytime, anywhere without the need for downloading an additional app. Plus, this way we are able to instantly deliver updates and improvements to all users simultaneously.

And did you know: You can add our website to your phone’s home screen, just like an app! Here’s how:

  1. Open in your browser on your phone.
  2. Tap on the ‘Share’ button on iPhone or the menu button on Android.
  3. Then select ‘Add to Home Screen’.

Now, you can access our book summaries with just one tap, just like you would with an app! And there’s no need to download or update anything, ever!

What if I decide to switch between the Monthly and Yearly plans?

You can change your plan in your account settings page. The changes will take effect at your next billing date.

Why do you need my credit card information if the trial is free?

We ask for your credit card details for two primary reasons:

  1. Fraud Prevention: It helps us verify users and prevent multiple free trials from a single person. This is a common practice used by many digital subscription services.
  2. Continuity of Service: This allows for a seamless transition from the free trial to the subscription service without any disruption. If you enjoy the service and decide to continue, you won’t have to remember to manually subscribe.

I can find book summaries for free elsewhere, why should I pay?

It’s true, you can find free book summaries online. However, our service offers value beyond just summarizing books. We provide a detailed yet concise analysis, connect ideas across books, offer unique commentary, counter-arguments, personalized recommendations, and features such as enthusiastic audio summaries, practical action plans, and easy-to-digest cheatsheets that you won’t find elsewhere. Also, our passionate writers record the audios themselves to ensure a lively and engaging experience, a feature not commonly found in free services.

I prefer reading the full book to get all the details.

That’s a great habit! Our book summaries don’t aim to replace full books but rather complement your reading. They are perfect for deciding if a book is worth your time, refreshing your memory on books you’ve read, or getting key insights from books you may not have time to read in full.

I’m not sure if the service is worth the price.

With our service, you’re not really buying book summaries. You’re investing in yourself, your future growth, and saving time. Furthermore, compared to the cost of buying individual books, our service provides great value. And don’t forget, we offer a 7-day free trial for you to test out the service and see if it meets your needs!

Premium Feature

🔓Unlock these features with a Growth Summary Pro Account

📚 UNLIMITED ACCESS to our summaries of the world's most useful books. Detailed, visually appealing, and designed to save you time.
🎧 ON-THE-GO AUDIOS so you can learn while driving or working out, read by our captivating writers (not a robot!)
TLDR CHEATSHEETS help you quickly grasp key takeaways, transforming each book into an easy one-page read.
🎯 PERSONALIZED FOR YOU: Get personal recommendations, save a custom reading list, and add comments.
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